City Council

About the City Council
The City Council, the legislative branch of the City of Denham Springs government, is responsible for making important decisions and setting policy for the city. Consisting of five members, each elected by popular vote and serving a four-year term, the Council meets regularly to discuss and vote on city-related issues.
Council Members
Amber Dugas
Council MemberJim Gilbert
Council MemberLori Lamm-Williams
Council MemberRobert Poole
Council MemberJeff Wesley
Council MemberCouncil Meetings
Regular meetings with the mayor, city council, city officials, and supervisors occur twice a month in the Municipal Building. Special meetings may also be scheduled as necessary. Agendas for regular meetings are posted at the main entrance of the Municipal Building and on the city's website at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. All council meetings are open to the public.
Committee Involvement
Each council member also serves on various committees such as the Denham Springs Economic Development District and Finance Committee, among others. Committee meetings are scheduled as needed.
Planning, Zoning, and Legislative Powers
The City Council ratifies actions taken by the Denham Springs Planning and Zoning Commissions and adopts or revises ordinances, resolutions, appointments, and removals by a majority vote at official council meetings. As guided by the Louisiana R.S. 33:321, known as the Lawrason Act, the City Council exercises specific legislative powers.
116 North Range Ave,
Denham Springs, LA 70726
MON-THU: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
FRI-SUN: Closed