Planning and Development

About the Office of Planning and Development
Ensuring development in the City of Denham Springs aligns with our standards and vision is the responsibility of our Planning and Development Office. They oversee building construction, inspections, floodplain and stormwater management, and compliance with building regulations. They also manage subdivision development, zoning issues, and conduct condemnations. Our team works closely with developers, architects, and city officials to maintain the integrity of our city.
Our Services
We provide building codes and regulations to contractors, builders, and developers, ensuring all projects are up to code. Our services include project reviews, permit issuing, inspections, construction monitoring, and licensing verifications.
Floodplain Management
Our office is also responsible for floodplain management, including determining Base Flood Elevations (BFE), Flood Zone Determination with the Map Panel Number, and managing the Community Rating System (CRS).
Phase II MS4 Annual Report for the year 2022 – 2023 (revised).
Document serves as an affidavit and certification by the owner or contractor, stating that a particular property inspection has been conducted in compliance with the prescribed codes.
Affidavit for individuals claiming exemption from contractor licensure when applying for a building permit in Louisiana, affirming their understanding of laws, regulations, and penalties related to misrepresentation.
Application for approval for all property subdivisions, re-subdivision, and consolidation.
Outlines the process for obtaining approval of civil construction drawings. It mandates the use of a certified engineer and details the progression from plan submission to permitting.
Building Permit Agreement and Inspection Schedule detailing procedures and responsibilities for a builder/contractor applying for building permit.
Certificate for the completion of the installation of landscaping projects.
FEMA/DHS Coastal Construction Manual: Principles and practices of planning, siting, designing, constructing, and maintaining residential buildings in coastal areas.
Applicable LSUCCC construction codes, editions, and design criterial (IRC Table R301.2, Manual J, etc.).
Document explains the contractor license application process in Denham Springs, LA.
GOHSEP resource infographic on contraflow.
FEMA/DHS document on residential structures (FEMA-54, 1984).
The City of Denham Springs proposed elevation certificate and top-of-form (under construction) form; used for all new construction and elevation of existing structures.
FEMA/DHS document resource on elevation certificates and instructions during construction and final (FEMA, 2019).
The document lists addresses with available elevation certificates as of January 23, 2023.
Construction site guidance manual on stormwater management (November 1, 2017).
Provides an outline of the City of Denham Springs' zoning ordinances for constructing fences, including permit requirements, fence height restrictions, materials, and exception scenarios
Request form for flood zone determination.
Information on floodplain management, including flood hazards, insurance, maintenance, development permits, and relevant regulations.
Monument and Pole sign diagrams for businesses other than shopping centers and multi-tenant properties.
Submission requirements for building permit applications, including civil and architectural requirements, determination of minimum floor elevation, and necessary clearances from various city departments and state agencies.
An ordinance outlining guidelines for promoting high-quality urban design and preserving natural resources in Denham Springs.
GOHSEP document showing Louisiana's Emergency Evacuation Map (GOHSEP).
Louisiana State GOHSEP guide on emergency preparedness (GOHSEP, 2016).
FEMA/DHS document provides answers to your questions regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (2022).
A guide to help comply with and document Non-Engineered Flood Openings requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program.
Guidelines and regulations for displaying different types of signs in commercial districts.
Application for development permit.
Details how to obtain a demolition permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Provides guidelines on how to acquire permit.
Document delineates the fee schedule for various permits and services related to building, zoning, and development in the city.
Required submittals for Generator Permit.
Provides an overview of the drawings and information required to obtain a permit for constructing an accessory structure or a building addition.
Provides a detailed list of requirements and considerations for constructing a swimming pool or spa.
Application for changing lot zoning district or changing zoning regulations.
Application for variance in zoning ordinance requirements.
Comprehensive Project Folder Checklist for construction projects in the City of Denham Springs.
Denham Springs properties not gutted (January 2, 2018).
FEMA/DHS document on the principless and practices for the design and construction of flood resistant building utility systems (FEMA-P-348, 2017).
FEMA/DHS document guide for communities on protecting floodplain resources (FEMA-268, 1996).
FEMA/DHS document on protecting manufactured homes from floods and hazards; a multi-hazard foundation and installation guide (FEMA P-85, 2009).
FEMA/DHS document resource for communities on reducing damage from localized flooding (FEMA-511, 2005).
Diagram showing residential building setbacks.
Certificate under the 2012 International Residential Code Section N1101.16
Right of entry on private property for debris removal work (FEMA DR-4277).
Outlines the necessary procedures and requirements for proposing and submitting commercial district sign projects.
Legal affidavit to be executed by the owner/tenant, building contractor, and electrical contractor in connection with a building being constructed under a specific building and electrical permit.
To verify the total duct leakage in a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system installed in a building.
Denham Springs uniform construction code (LAC 55:VI.301 and 901).
The City of Denham Springs Zoning Map (March 11, 2015).
Useful Links
NOAA resource for accessing real-time, observational data specifically for the Amite River Gauge located at Florida Blvd.
Access real-time hydrological data by station, including gage height, elevation, stream water levels, and discharge rates.
Amite River Basin Commission (ARBC) Flood Inundation Map interactive viewer.
The City of Denham Springs Code of Ordinances.
Official site of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Louisiana State GOHSEP resource to help improve disaster preparedness.
Louisiana State GOHSEP resource for important emergency contacts.
LSU Ag Center online resource for natural disasters.
FEMA/DHS resources and information regarding Increased Cost of Coverage (ICC).
Sea Grant Louisiana's digital handbook provides homeowners with effective strategies for mitigating natural hazards.
LSU Ag Center online resource to view Louisiana's Flood Maps.
FEMA/DHS resource containing all of FEMA’s hazard-specific guidance that focuses on creating hazard-resistant communities.
The National Flood Insurance Program provides insurance to help reduce the socio-economic impact of floods.
DOTD on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
FEMA/DHS resources and information for emergencies and disaster preparedness.
ASFPM resource identifying actions to lower flood risks
The University of New Orleans (UNO) online resource on applied research and community strategies for sustainability and resilience against various hazard risks.
116 North Range Ave,
Denham Springs, LA 70726
MON-THU: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
FRI-SUN: Closed